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49 Posts Found tagged with "texas"

Florida's Brightline rail service starts: eyeing Texas corridor next?

January 15th, 2018
January 13, 2017 - - Even as South Florida service gets underway Saturday, officials are exploring other parts of the country, such as Georgia, North Carolina and Texas, said Wes Edens, co-founder of Fortress Investment Group, Brightline's parent company "Our vision...

FRA Releases Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study Service Level Report

November 7th, 2017
November 7, 2017 - TRA Newswire -   Three-segment, 850-mile corridor would provide passenger rail service Northern Section – Edmond, OK to Dallas and Fort Worth, TX: Additional Amtrak-type service is the Preferred Alternative. Central Section – Dallas and Fort Worth to San...

Texas, Railroad Successes Linked

August 3rd, 2017
TRA Opinion - We Texans have a lot of pride and for good reason. We have great sports teams, great universities, an actively growing population and the second largest economy in the U.S. Even with the energy industry in a bit of...

Railroad company stresses importance of train safety awareness

July 9th, 2017
July 9, 2017 - - According to the Federal Railroad Administration, Texas led the country in 2016 with more than 230 highway rail grade collisions. 22 of those collisions resulted in death. "If you’re in a vehicle and you’re stopped on...

Video: Officials test the tracks Friday on Amtrak train OKC-KC

June 9th, 2017
June 9, 2017 - - Video in link - Passenger rail service in Wichita hasn’t existed since 1979, but on Friday, the city got a sneak peek at what it might look like if it ever returns. At 11:55 a.m., an...

4 Bad "Kill High Speed Rail Bills" To Be Heard Thursday Morning in Austin

May 1st, 2017
May 1, 2017 - TRA Newswire Four bills are slated to be heard by the Texas House Transportation Committee Thursday morning that could either delay or kill a privately funded bullet train project slated to be built between Dallas and Houston. "Now...

Union Pacific to spend $452 million in Texas infrastructure - NAFTA helps drives business

April 13th, 2017
Updated April 17, 2017 - TRA Newswire - Union Pacific is boosting safety and efficiency with an approximately $452 million infrastructure investment in Texas this year. Projects funded by Union Pacific benefit Texas's overall transportation infrastructure without taxpayer funds. An additional...

Rep Ashby files bill to help Texas short line railroads

March 9th, 2017
January 9, 2017 - TRA Newswire - Representative Trent Ashby (R), Lufkin, has filed House Bill 3566 that would allow the 43 short line railroads that operate in Texas the ability to use tax credits for certain railroad reconstruction and replacement...

Biggest Texas transportation battles of 2016 to continue in the new year

January 1st, 2017
December 27, 2016 - Texas Tribune - Brandon Formby - Legislators may look at a high-speed rail developer's ability to use eminent domain for a Dallas-Houston bullet train. The cost of toll roads, the toll of urban congestion, ride-hailing battles and...

Oklahoma wants Texas to step up with Heartland Flyer service

October 26th, 2016
[caption id="attachment_2652" align="alignnone" width="300"] OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA[/caption] October 25, 2016 - TRA Newswire – The Oklahoma Senate Transportation Committee held an interim study Wednesday to look at the both the costs and the benefits of the Heartland Flyer, the Amtrak line that...

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