December 8, 2015 - Houston Chronicle
When he signed a five-year transportation funding bill on Friday, President Barack Obama sent America one singular message: Keep on truckin'.
Apologies to R. Crumb, but we're having a bit of a nostalgia fit. It has...
October 13, 2015 (Special to TRA)
Approximately 300 rail crossing locations on highways, city streets and county roads in Oklahoma are set to become safer and more visible. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is putting these areas on a fast track...
Only 34 projects (3%) would be slated for rail, and that equals 1% of total cost but freight rail impacts 17% of employment (Texas Freight Mobility Plan pie chart)
Dug Begley - Houston Chronicle - September 24, 2015
Texas has thousands of...
San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board - August 17, 2015
It's been talked about for so long, it's hard to believe rail between San Antonio and Austin will ever be real. But if you are a commuter, policymaker or a fiscal hawk,...