October 30, 2020 - ExpressNews.com - Greg Jefferson, Business Editor -
Let’s start on a positive note: The Lone Star Rail District was very good at using tax dollars to keep a couple of people employed and consultants flush with billable hours. As a tiny jobs program, it was a marvel.
It was far less effective — a failure, in fact — at developing commuter rail service between San Antonio and Austin, which the Legislature created it to do in 1997. The district blew through at least $25 million over 13 years before collapsing in 2016.
The main cause of death: Union Pacific Railroad said “no way” to sharing its tracks with commuter trains between Austin and San Antonio. UP hauls freight along the I-35 corridor. Without an alternative route for its tonnage, a rail-sharing agreement didn’t make financial sense to the operator.
Rear more: https://www.expressnews.com/business/business_columnists/greg_jefferson/article/Jefferson-The-last-attempt-to-launch-passenger-15688734.php