January 11, 2022 - David Peter Alan, Contributing Editor, Railway Age -
Part 1 of 5: A Temporary Victory for High-Speed Rail in the Lone Star State.
When is a railroad not a railroad? Maybe “when it’s getting started in Texas.” The official answer to that question will come from the state’s Supreme Court within a few months. In a case with more twists and turns than a mountain railroad, the Court will decide whether Texas Central is a genuine railroad that can use a landowner’s private property by exercising eminent domain to build its right-of-way.
This case could be a seminal one in the decades-long struggle to establish high-speed rail (HSR) in the United States, or even new conventional rail lines that would be established by entities that have not yet reached the point where they are running trains on track that they own.
Read more: https://www.railwayage.com/passenger/intercity/part-1-of-4-a-temporary-victory-for-high-speed-rail-in-the-lone-star-state/?RAchannel=home