January 10, 2020 - Lyndon Henry for Express-News -
Setbacks in attempts to launch urban rail projects over the past two decades have apparently led top San Antonio officials and planners to scratch rail off the city’s agenda. The officially backed ConnectSA “Proposed Framework” for “Modern Mobility,” for example, bets the city’s mobility future on a bus-focused system, with “advanced” bus rapid transit, or BRT, running battery-electric buses as its centerpiece.
That’s a big mistake.
Given its demographics and growth rate, San Antonio needs urban rail transit as urgently as it did in 2000. And lower-cost light rail transit, or LRT, technology is an affordable and compelling option with a solid record of achievement.
Read more: https://www.expressnews.com/opinion/commentary/article/Opinion-San-Antonio-can-future-proof-14963311.php