June 17, 2024 - TRA Newswire-

A congressional bill filed by a Nebraska Senator that would hold Amtrak accountable for executive bonuses and make the railroad more transparent in its finances has also raised the eyebrows of Texas Senator Ted Cruz, ranking member on the Senate Transportation Committee.

 U.S. Senator Deb FIscher (R-NE) has sponsored the Amtrak Transparency Act, Senate bill S. 4492, which was filed on June 11th.

Senator Fischer said that “My bill will pull back the curtain, allowing both Amtrak partners and the public to weigh in on Amtrak policy and decisions so that the organization better serves the taxpayer.” 

Senator Cruz commented “From delays for the new Acelas to annual shortfalls in the billions of dollars, Amtrak’s performance has been seriously deficient. It’s inexplicable that a dozen-plus Amtrak executives collected six-figure bonuses on the taxpayer’s dime.”

The accountability bill has gained support from the Southern Rail Commission, DC-based Rail Passengers Association and now from Texas Rail Advocates.

The New York Times found that fourteen Amtrak executives received more than $200,000 each in incentive bonuses last year despite the service’s poor recent financial performance and struggles with its capital improvement projects.

"Amtrak executives need to be very transparent in how they are spending taxpayer money while delivering sub-par performance on the trains they run in Texas", according to Texas Rail Advocates President Peter LeCody. "From lack of sufficient equipment to attract more riders and poor food service on the Texas Eagle, passengers are not receiving an A-rated product. This has been an ongoing problem that started when Richard Anderson was President of Amtrak and has not improved in subsequent years".

Amtrak has been allocated billions in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and has to be more accountable for its actions, according to LeCody.

In a statement from Senator FIscher, she said that Board of Directors meetings are held behind closed doors without following the Government Sunshine Act and fails to publish minutes or transcripts for the public. “My bill will pull back the curtain, allowing both Amtrak partners and the public to weigh in on Amtrak policy and decisions so that the organization better serves the taxpayer,” according to the Senator.

Amtrak indicated that executive bonuses are necessary to attract and retain talent and rail expertise.

Photo credit: Amtrak