October 24, 2024 - TRA Newswire -
The vision for moving people and goods by rail in Texas is due to be released to the public by the end of the year, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.
The state Rail Plan, required to be updated every 4-5 years, will reflect the latest rail project priorities around the state. It fulfills eligibility requirements for any federal funding programs and may help the legislature understand the needs for both passenger and freight rail projects that require state funding or to participate in competitive federal rail grants.
According to TxDOT, recent updates on this document will include "the development of policy concepts, programs, and agency-specific strategies to improve the efficiency of freight movement and maintain on-time passenger service."
An update on progress of the Texas Rail Plan is expected to be discussed during a November 12th meeting of the Texas Freight Advisory Committee at TxDOT headquarters in Austin. There are a number of freight rail related projects to be addressed in the state rail plan.
There are a lot of developments on the passenger rail side, according to consultant Kevin Keller, Intermodal Planning Transportation Lead with HDR. New passenger rail programs, created by the Infrastructure bill passed by Congress, include seven Corridor Identification and Development plans that could bring new trains to Texas corridors. Two high-speed rail projects and five conventional passenger rail projects are under consideration. TxDOT received federal grants for planning conventional speed corridors between Dallas-Fort Worth to Houston and Houston to San Antonio.
The plan keeps inventory of all rail lines, analyzes rail service goals and contributions to the economy, catalogs and assesses potential infrastructure projects, and examines finance strategies for projects and services.
The rail system is a critical component of our thriving economy, safely connecting industries, ports and people. Per federal requirements, states must have a rail plan that is updated every four years to establish policy, priorities and implementation strategies for freight and passenger rail.
The first State Rail Plan was issued by TxDOT in 2005 and the last update was in 2019.
The rail plan is developed from within the TxDOT Rail Division and with input from rail users, stakeholders and the general public. A virtual public meeting, which was held on August 19th, explained the rail system today and identified what needs are for the future. That virtual meeting can be accessed here: https://www.txdot.gov/projects/hearings-meetings/rail/2024/2024-texas-rail-plan-081924.html
The Texas Rail Plan divides up proposals into short term (one to four years completion) and long term (5 to 20 years out) projects so that federal reviewers know what is proposed to be accomplished.
Photo credit: TxDOT