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12 Posts Found tagged with "amtrak heartland flyer"

Newspaper praises Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt for support of Heartland Flyer train

July 9th, 2023
July 7, 2023 - -Oklahomans should Gov. Kevin Stitt credit where it’s due, even when they disagree with his handling of other issues. And when it comes to interstate train travel, his actions will go down in history on...

Commentary: It's embarrassing that local Council of Governments had to bail out the state of Texas on passenger rail funding

July 4th, 2023
July 4, 2023 - TRA Commentary - Now that $700,000 in emergency funding is in place from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the Amtrak Heartland Flyer won't have to cut train service during the busy summer peak season. While...

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