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22 Posts Found tagged with "cpkc"

Stay off my tracks! UP goes to court over CPKC moving grain trains over their lines between Beaumont and Houston-Galveston ports

August 29th, 2023
August 29, 2023 - TRA Newswire -, Hey CPKC, if you want to use UP tracks for your grain trains, you better get a new agreement first. That's the contention of Union Pacific. The company wants a federal court in Western Missouri...

CPKC 2014 1st anniversary steam loco tour to include Texas stops

July 22nd, 2023
July 22, 2023 - TRA Newswire - Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) announced its 2816 Empress steam locomotive will travel from Canada, through the U.S. and into Mexico departing Calgary, Alta. on April 14, 2024, the one-year anniversary of CPKC’s creation....

Competition heats up for rail freight business on Class 1's and Texas is at the epicenter

June 28th, 2023
June 28, 2023 - TRA Newswire -In less than 90 days, all of the Class 1 railroads that operate in Texas have gone on the offensive to either create new business or see how they can funnel existing freight business...

CPKC and CSX announce planned collaboration to develop additional hydrogen locomotives

June 23rd, 2023
June 23, 2023 - TRA Newswire -Canadian Pacific Kansas City (TSX: CP) (NYSE: CP) (CPKC) and CSX Corporation (NASDAQ: CSX) (CSX) have announced their intent to enter into a joint venture for the building and deployment of hydrogen locomotive conversion...

Class 1's starting to get competitive in Texas markets, finally waking up to trucks, other RR's stealing share?

May 31st, 2023
May 31, 2023 - TRA Newswire -Union Pacific is the latest Class 1 railroad to announce faster, direct intermodal service from Texas to other key markets. UP announced Tuesday that it will provide a direct, quicker intermodal service from Port...

Suit filed in fed court: Union Pacific wants a do-over in the recent CPKC merger

May 7th, 2023
May 7, 2023 - TRA Newswire - Union Pacific is not happy with the recent Surface Transportation Board decision that allowed the merger of Canadian Pacific (CP) and Kansas City Southern (KCS) into the new CPKC. UP has filed suit in...

The marriage is final: Texas has a new named railroad today

April 14th, 2023
April 14, 2023 - TRA Newswire -Today marks the start of a new partnership between Canadian Pacific (CP) and Kansas City Southern (KCS), now to be known as CPKC throughout Texas and the rest of North America. The merger of...

CP-KCS merger raises Texas concerns from other Class 1 railroads

July 28th, 2022
Updated July 29, 2022 - TRA Newswire -Several Class 1 railroads are raising concerns over freight rail congestion in the Houston region and access to international rail gateways at the Texas-Mexico border in Surface Transportation Board (STB) hearings on the...

BNSF Railway, critical of CPKC merger proposals, seeks protections from regulators

March 3rd, 2022
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]March 2, 2022 - Bill Stephens, - BNSF Railway has urged federal regulators to take steps to protect cross-border traffic to and from Mexico as part of any approval of the proposed Canadian Pacific-Kansas City Southern merger. But BNSF dropped its...

Amtrak & Canadian Pacific pledge support for Texas route expansion

January 7th, 2022
January 7, 2022 - TRA Newswire - A long-sought extension of direct passenger service between Dallas and the East Coast got a shot in the arm as Amtrak and Canadian Pacific Railway announced an agreement with Amtrak supporting the proposed combination...

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